pablolie;183869 Wrote: 
> And you seemed to made the point the superiority of computer based audo
> is its supposed ability to utterly eliminate bit errors, and if I am
> attributing it to you wrongly I apologize - it's a claim that was made
> earlier in this thread. And I have simply never seen any data or proof
> or material anywhere that shows that a red book audio CD playing in a
> regular CD player is plagued by enough bit errors to fundamentally make
> it inferior to a PC-based system where the CD has been ripped into it. 
> There is no reason why, in prinicple, the latter can't sound just as
> good as the high end CD player. I never stated otherwise. All of us
> with a SB know that, and appreciate it. All I am saying is my own CD
> player to this day sounds better than *my* PC system, and that I doubt
> I'd hear the PC system sound *better* if I invested effort in getting
> it there. Yeah, my audio chain is pretty good. It'd be great to have a
> system that is more compact and versatile, which is where the PC system
> will eventually play its trump card - it will be that, not sound
> quality, in my opinion, because existing high end audio has reached a
> very high evolutionary stage where it seems too good for the vast
> majority of recorded material out there...
> So the deal is: I believe PC based systems will win out, and look
> forward to it. But it's more due to convenience and versatility rather
> than sound quality, which is pretty darn good in audiophile systems as
> it is. 
> > You mentioned you tend to enjoy your CD player much more then 
> > anything compter based. Ma be you should just try to figure 
> > out why. 
> I know why. It's better because I have invested far more time and money
> into it, and since I have now the SQB I can bid my time figuring out
> what the next evolutionary step of the PC as the enabler for high end
> audio may be. I have found the answer to link the two worlds perfectly:
> the Squeezebox.

So we basically agreed :)

I said that major real world advantage of playing ripped CDs on HDD
based system vs. standalone CDP is convenience, not SQ. I also said
that computer based system have only advantages over CDP - meaning not
that CDP is flawed, but that computer based system is unlimited
expandable, as Sean mentioned, can easily surpass CDP because we're not
limited to 44.1/16.

BTW, system using SB as a source is computer based, I don't know why do
you consider SB as The Third Way. Music is streamed from hard drive, and
SB is just a remote SPDIF interface module.


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