Hamlet;186343 Wrote: 
> Are you saying that you prefer the SB2 over the more expensive & sexy
> Sonos, if so on which qualities is this based, and do you find any
> utility in having both of them?

Yes I do prefer the SB2 over the Sonos personally. Surprisingly it is
the much maligned SB remote that I find far more convenient to use with
one hand when lazing or lying in bed, than the heavy Sonos Controller
which needs both hands to operate. I know the layout of the SB remote
very well, and seldom need to look at it. I also like the nice display
on the SB2 unit which can display as much or as little information as I
want it to. In the earlier days, the SqueezeBox did Pandora, which I
love - and the Sonos did Rhapsody, which was also nice to have. Now the
SB does both, so that's a huge advantage. With respect to sound, I think
the SB has an advantage when played through its internal DAC but the
Sonos is pretty decent too. When played through an external DAC, they
are pretty even (I think the SB might have a slight edge when played
through an external DAC - but it might be a psychological thing so I
wouldn't bet my life on that one). Finally the geek in me simply loves
to tinker with the whole Slimserver + SB setup. 

But I do like the Sonos as well and I don't have any desire to get rid
of it. I live in a joint family, and my sister prefers the Sonos - it
becomes much easier for her to add music to different parts of the
house using Sonos Zone players if I leave my setup in its current
state. Also my SB often travels with me, when I am halfway across the
world as I am now. So its good to leave the Sonos setup in place.

There are a couple of other threads that deal with this:

Nikhil's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=993
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=33380

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