ErikM;188184 Wrote: 
> Wow! So if I hear a difference its not real? You mean I did hear a
> difference, but really I just thought I heard it, so all these years
> when I bought better speakers, and electronics,which I thought sounded
> better I wasn't really hearing better sound I just thought I was? WOW,
> you mean that those first generation CD players which I thought sounded
> like S--T really sounded great. Boy do I feel stupid. I think I'll dump
> my Proac speakers for a Bose Wave radio

You're the one who brought up the comparison to "flat earth theory".

This isn't about CD players.  This isn't about saying that there's no
difference between anything.  We're talking about whether or not
burn-in makes a difference in cables/electronics.

So here's the deal: no one can force anyone to believe something. 
There are some here who claim to be able to hear certain differences. 
Others of us (myself included) have been unable to hear such

So that leaves us to assess the facts to evaluate the claims being
made.  Outside of anecdotal claims of being able to hear differences
the facts are decidedly *against* those who claim to be able to hear
the supposed effects of burn-in (yet there are a host of psychological
theories that would explain what burn-in advocates are hearing).  So
for those of us who remain skeptics, understand where we're coming
from.  For me, the existence of burn-in effects is about as likely as
the existence of UFOs from outer space.  Possible?  maybe, but highly
unlikely, and ultimately unproven despite many claims of sightings.

And let's be clear:  there are loads of other effects in play.  I'll
wager that moving any piece of furniture in your listening room even an
inch would have more affect on the sound than any possible cable burn-in

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