harmonic;186688 Wrote: 
> Hi all
> My main amp is a tact millenium .
> when i use the transporter as an  transport into the emillennium the
> sound i get is very close to perfect .
> its  no contest vs the ice amp wich is a moddified version of the
> asp1000 modul with a much larger power supply.
> But what i do like about the ice amp is its bass dynamics wich i thing
> is just a littel better then the mk3 and have thinking about a
> replacement of amp.
> But it better be pretty damm good to  better the millennium mk3.
> Now the nuforce ref 9 se  amps when i read about it it pretty much
> describes what i would like from a amplifire .
> Big bass dynamics grainfree treble layered soundstage that opens up
> bacwoards  wich i thing is perfect for a smalle 16 sq meter room .
> My tact millennium tends to create the soundstage infront of the
> speakers wich is good but when you only sit 3 meter from the speakers
> it can make the soundstage to much in your face .
> So i kind of hope the ref se would be what i have been looking for .
> regards

Does the TacT Millennium provide any parametric equaliser functions? If
so, you should be able to get a soundstage that suits your room by
adjusting, especially, the 3 kHz region.

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)
P Floding's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2932
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