P Floding;188255 Wrote: 
> Does the TacT Millennium provide any parametric equaliser functions? If
> so, you should be able to get a soundstage that suits your room by
> adjusting, especially, the 3 kHz region.

Yes it has the same eq crossover and delay functions as the Roomperfect
amp fro lyngdorf audio

Actually i have desided to keep it

I had a shotout with the musical fidlity kw 750 and top line front end
vs the moddifed tact millennium mk3 with a dvd player 

The mellennium sounded better in the areas of dimensionality resolution
smothnes dynamics soundstage and  detajl.
Actually there is a paradox hear because the Musical fidility reference
system sounded more digital then the millennium.
The millennium sounded more musical also wich is the key hear.

The music fidility bass was alittel stronger but  only a littel.

Speakers where audio physics calendra

it was a shop demo so i couldent bring my Transporter but beleive me it
sound massivly better then the dvd player

I will upgrad my speakes instead because thise are the things that hold
my system back.

I will leave the nuforce behind for now 


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