johann;188674 Wrote: 
> I never stated that my opinions were scientificaly backed up nor that
> they were valid for all other persons in the world, did I? ;)
> The difference was so obvious that I'm convinced, I could separate a SB
> in from Transporter if performed in my listening room with my amp and
> speakers as well as music I am familiar with. Which is the case with my
> the setup I have now using SB with an external DAC.
> This might just be my mind playing me but the difference is really huge
> so I doubt that.

To be clear, I still believe that good quality DAC's and CD player's
sound different. I believe that the Transporter sounds better than the
Squeezebox. But I'm not sure. I'm just saying that the question is
worth investigating. 

The whole hobby is a minefield, filled with charlatans, crooks, honnest
but ignorant people who put forth pseudoscientific theories. You know as
well as me that some people claim that their 100K$ cables sound a lot
better than 60$ Radio Shack cables. "Just listen and be convinced."
Which is complete BS, AFAIK. 

> But why don't you try it out for yourself, if you don't think there is a
> difference spend your money elsewhere.

Thanks but no thanks. What I need right now is a decent amp and good

>  Let me ask you one thing, can you differ between a black and a white
> car?

:lol: funny guy. I wish that perception was always that simple. Don't
understimate how much our expectations and our preconceptions can
influence what we perceive or not, or what we think we perceived or

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