For flying, the Etymotics ER-4s is the best I've heard.  Isolation is
almost complete.  I've got to take an earpiece out to hear the flight
attendant talking in my ear, and sound is great.  These are not the
most efficient IEM, but the ER-4P version is an easier load for a
player, and provides the same isolation. Some people have comfort
issues with Etymotics, but I do not.

Sonically, the Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro has the best sonics I've heard
in any IEM, and is better than most full-size headphones.  The UE-10
has to be custom fitted to your ear with a mold taken by an
audiologist, and is a good deal more expensive than the Etymotics.
Despite the custom fit, I get less isolation than I do with the

My reference headphones are the Sony R10 and Sennheiser Orpheus.

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