I'm not Ben, and I don't have a Lavry but

> I've been thinking about trying out for a while now.  I do have one
> annoying little concern that I can't help asking about - when you
> compared the Lavry to the stock SB, did you by any chance match the
> volume?  The reason I ask is that not all DACs will output quite the
> same analogue level, and small differences in volume can sometimes get
> in the way of hearing real differences.

When I plugged in my Benchmark DAC-1 out of my SqueezeBox, I was totally 
blown away by the sound. Of course, it was not at the same volume level.
And it is well known that louder sounds are interperted as "better" by 
human hearing.

To do any fair comparison, you have to match gain exactly. I think 
within 0.1 dB is normal, which is fairly challenging to do.

I did adjust my Benchmark, it has jumpers for gross adjustments, and
fine 10 turn pots for detail adjustments.

It is still vastly better than the SB output, IMHO.

Pat Farrell

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