Rick B.;193695 Wrote: 
> Have a look at this webpage - there are at least two links with some
> in-depth articles on bi-wiring:
> http://www.geocities.com/jonrisch/cables.htm

The first thing I saw at that link:

> Current Flow Through Bi-Wire Speaker Cables
> This is a graph of the current flow through the two different cables in
> a bi-wire hookup. Note that the woofer cable carries mainly lows, and
> the tweeter cable mainly highs. - - - - This is what accounts for the
> advantage bi-wiring has over a single cable, the current flows for the
> highs and lows are separted, and the resultant magnetic fields are
> separated too.

No need to read any more.  The most elementary knowledge of circuits
and speaker crossovers tells you the results of this plot - that more
current flows to  the tweaters at high freq. and to the woofers at low
freq.  If he measured the curent inside the speaker enclosure at the
driver terminals he'd get exactly the same result in either the
bi-wired or single wired configuration.  However evidently he thinks
his result is somehow interesting or surprising, that it matters for
some reason and is an advantage (separating the magnetic fields??) -
but that same elementary knowledge of electronics says that's highly
dubious at best.

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