sc53;194436 Wrote: 
> I think I fall into camp 2 but I have a "big American rig" in addition
> to a small tubey British rig, so maybe I'm somewhere in between or in a
> fourth category. Over the 40 years I've been listening to music and
> choosing equipment, I have always ended up with British made speakers,
> they are by far my favorite. Started with B&W, went on to Spendor
> (BC-3's), and now have ProAc (1SC and D15). I just love the ProAc
> sound, it suits my tastes perfectly, and the speakers respond so well
> to tubes (a restored Dyna 70 and a pair of the reissued Quad II Classic
> monoblocks). My "big American rig" has Genesis 500 speakers though,
> American designed and made, with a ribbon tweeter and about 6 other
> drivers and servo-controlled woofers. They too sound perfect with
> tubes--ARC VT100 Mk III, a more modern tube sound than the Quad
> monoblocks and Dynaco 70 provide. My front end components are Linn and
> Ayre, and of course SB3's. I can't tell the difference between my Apple
> lossless music on the SB3's (through DACs) and the Ayre and Linn CD
> players. I can tell the difference when I play vinyl on my LP-12,
> however. Nothing sounds like vinyl, except maybe reel to reel tapes. may be time to challenge this.

There is no way that vinyl sounds anything like what what was heard in
the control room as far as I am concerned. I'm not saying it isn't
fun/nice. All I am saying is that it ain't accurate/faithfull...and
before you ask - yes, I've been on both sides of the lathe!

My LP12 (which I loved) was so NOT accurate in the conventional sense -
but it was a blast. For me personally I'm happier with the digital
version - it sounds more accurate to me. I'm not saying it is perfect -
what is? It's just that modern (NOT circa 1983!) digital technology is
capable of a fine rendition of all sorts of music IMHO.

No doubt your M will V considerably :0)

Phil Leigh
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