opaqueice;194637 Wrote: 
> Sorry, I thought my statement was suffciently clear, but apparently 
> not.Sufficiently clear, maybe.  Sufficiently right, no! 

opaqueice;194637 Wrote: 
> One way to see why that is to consider the time it takes an EM wave to
> travel down the wire - a few picoseconds ...I usually work on about a ns a 
> foot - nice and easy to remember and
close enough for most things.

opaqueice;194637 Wrote: 
> ... versus the inverse frequency of the signals being sent (typically
> 1000 ps).1000ps = 1GHz

I think you may have your pico seconds (10 -12) and nano seconds (10
-9) confused.

The point is, that whether on not the whole of the length of the
interconnect is at the same potential for much of the time, some of the
time, some of the interconnect will be at one potential and the rest at
another - and that's the point that's interesting with respect to

Patrick Dixon

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