Patrick Dixon;194869 Wrote: 
> The 'music' information stored on vinyl is in analogue form.  To apply
> S-H you would need to convert it to digital form, at which point it
> would become a representation of the original signal - not identical.

Let me try to explain again - S-H is precisely applicable to vinyl.  It
is a theorem which tells you the information capacity of a
*continuous-time analog communications channel subject to Gaussian
noise*, such as a vinyl record.

> If you wanted to use the vinyl medium to store digital data, and to
> maximise that data storage capacity...

Again, I have no idea what you mean by digital data.  Do you mean
something like recording a series of clicks on vinyl, in a code that
represents sound?  No matter what form you use, S-H tells you how much
information you can possibly store.  As I said before, it doesn't tell
you *which* method is best, only what's the best attainable.

It sounds as though you are confused about what is meant by capacity. 
Information is not digital or analogue - it has an intrinsic meaning
outside of the medium used to represent it.  In fact it has a deep
connection to entropy in statistical mechanics, where again you have a
pure number which can be defined extremely generally, regardless of the
specific system in question.  This was perhaps the crucial insight that
lead to the entire field of information theory.

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