ok, addendum to the anti-cables thread I started last week.

Let me say first that the issues about the Speltz's customer service
are behind me.
Judy has satisfactorily explained the lapse.
I retract any negative assessment or implication I may have intimated
in my previous rant.

Now - about the cables.
4 sets 5' Speltz anti-cables (very reasonably priced - virtually no
risk) speaker cable - 
Transporter -> B&K r200.2 -> (bi-wire) Vandersteen 3A Sig's. 

First impression - as good or better than the Sigma Retro Gold of
previous config.

Let me emphasize - I'm a bit surprised.

For the lack of proper audiophile adjective (not well versed in the
venacular) all I can say is that the music is lively whereby before
somewhat lethargic in comparison.

Hmm... good medicine for "boutique fever".

More later.



Transporter -> Bryston BP20 -> B&K Reference 200.2 -> Vandersteen 3A
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