ModelCitizen;197857 Wrote: 
> Intially I was surprised that the whole rig was not lounder, especially
> considering tht the speakers and amp are 300w per channel and are
> supposed to have been designed for each other (or at least the speakers
> designed for the amp).
> However, the Transporter seems to drive the amp properly, as when I
> have the thing on full volume the Bryston's red clipping lights can
> come on if it happens to be playing a lound track.
I've noticed that "climaxes" don't seem to get as loud on the
Transporter as they used to from other sources. Could it be that the
TP's output is so clean that the lack of distortion means the sound is
psychoacoustically quieter? (It's well known that distortion makes
things sound louder).

ModelCitizen;197857 Wrote: 
> I might try the balanced outputs when I can find some leads but can't
> see how there is likely to be any difference in the sound (balanced is
> only useful if you have long cable runs right?).
Even short runs of unbalanced are still theoretically vulnerable to
noise and hum pickup. My interconnects are about 5 metres (does that
count as "long"?), and I've always felt there is something more "solid"
about balanced operation. The problem is that it's difficult to
level-match comparisons, so the heard improvement could easily be down
to expectation than any actual difference.


Performers -> dozens of mixers and effects -> clipped/hypercompressed
mastering -> you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?
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