willyhoops;198844 Wrote: 
> From this, record companies should learn that they could dramatically
> increase demand if they found a piracy safe method of selling digital
> music that offered customers something more than the zillions of mp3
> files floating freely around the world today. Good as my tagging
> efforts are, they are nothing compared to what would be possible if the
> record companies really embraced the embedding of text and images into
> music files. Also I could save hours of my life not having to rip CDs
> anymore. 

I have an alternative suggestion - do away with copyrights for music

As far as I know, the vast majority of musicians make their money from
live gigs.  Secondary sources of income include jobs like doing the
soundtrack for a movie (the one musician I know that does that is paid
a lump sum per film, no royalties), music teaching, etc.  Only the very
rare extremely successful ones make money from record sales or

The record companies do provide some services - advertising and
promotion, recording studios.  But with digital technology it's pretty
easy for musicians to make decent quality recordings.  Distribution is
so simple and fast over the internet it does away with most of the need
for extra advertising and promotion.  So one can make a powerful
argument that musicians don't need the record companies or copyright -
and certainly the public is significantly harmed by both.   

Constitutional Convention Wrote: 
> The Congress shall have Power... ...To promote the Progress of Science
> and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors
> the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

Precisely what about music copyrights promotes the useful arts?

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