willyhoops;199302 Wrote: 
> that's why i am desribing a drm that would be secure and which, i
> think, consumers would love. then we can all be happy - artists,
> consumers, business and the tax man.

Consumers are never going to love something that prevents them from
doing something they want to do.  But in any case there are then two
issues - is this possible, and if so is it a good idea?

The discussion here should have taught you that, without some radical
change in security technology, it would be very, very difficult.  It's
very difficult to design secure systems in which both the key and the
message are in the possesion of the "enemy".  Credit card security
doesn't get broken because the attacker does not have possesion of the
key - it's held by the CC company.  I send an encrypted message (my CC
number) to them, they decode it, check it and send back approval.  It's
very difficult to intercept that message and decode my CC number without
the key.  The difference here is that the analogue of the CC company is
the player, and so both the message and the key are under the control
to the user.

Then there's the question of is it a good idea, would it make our
society better - that's a much harder question, but I think the answer
is no.  You've repeatedly asserted that without DRM music quality will
decline.  Don't you find it interesting that many people (classical
music lovers) hold that by far the best music humans have ever created
was all composed long before there was such a thing as a copyright on
music?  Or that the music another large group consider to be the best
of the 20th century - jazz - arose mainly through small live
performaces, and declined only once it became a mainstream, recorded,

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