PhilNYC;200182 Wrote: 
> Here's the system that was used:
> Preamp:  Blue Circle BC3000mkII w/GZPZ power supply
> Power Amp:  Blue Circle BC206 hybrid stereo amp
> Speakers:  Focus Audio FS-888
> Speaker cables: Acoustic Zen Hologram II
> Interconnects:  Acoustic Zen Absolute and Silver Reference II 
> Digital cables:  Acoustic Zen Silver Byte and MC^2
> Power Conditioning: Audience adeptResponse
> When comparing the analog outputs, we had each unit hooked into a
> different input on my preamp, and switched between inputs with both SB
> and TP playing the same thing.
Thanks for the clarification about how things were connected.

It's still not clear whether the balanced or unbalanced outputs were
used on the Transporter. Also, from what I've been able to find out,
the BC3000 has an option for balanced inputs - does yours have this
option? The reason I ask is that in my experience, balanced connections
seem to impart some kind of "solidity" to the sound. Using the TP with
its unbalanced outputs may not be getting the very best out of it.

I have one other comment. I've never heard the BC3000, and it is
obviously a very highly regarded preamp, BUT... In my experience,
preamps are the electronic components which tend to have the greatest
"personality" in a stereo system. I note also that the BC3000 is a
valve (tube) design, and valve circuits do tend to be less neutral than
solid-state. Is it possible that the BC3000's own characteristics are
masking the differences between TP and SB3?

My own experince is that the difference between TP and SB2, when fed
direct to power amps, is both large and obvious. (One problem I have is
that it's virtually impossible to level match comparisons when switching
between an unbalanced SB2 and a balanced TP going direct to power amps,
so of course I could well be imagining these differences).


Performers -> dozens of mixers and effects -> clipped/hypercompressed
mastering -> you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?
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