cliveb;200142 Wrote: 
> Here are a few things you didn't mention that I think might have some
> bearing:
> 1. Were you using the Transporter's balanced or unbalanced outputs?
> 2. Was the input downstream of the TP/SB3 balanced or unbalanced?
> 3. Was there a preamp in the signal path, or were the TP and SB3 going
> straight to a power amp? If there was a preamp, what make/model?
> 4. Were any other "processing" units involved (eg. Tact)?

Phil answered most of these, but:

1) unbalanced

2) not sure, but I think unbalanced

3) Blue Circle BC3000mkII w/GZPZ power supply

4) no

adamslim;200160 Wrote: 
> Presumably now that we have your definitive views on this point, your
> point is made and you'll not mention DBT ever again on this forum? ;)

Probably - but I'm not making any promises :-).  

Honestly, I've mostly lost interest in these debates.  I don't argue
with people over religious beliefs either.  However if someone comes
along and says publically, you have to get a new power supply for the
SB3, it's the most important change you could make (and someone did say
that recently over on another forum) I'm not sure I'll be able to
contain myself, as I consider that actually harmful.  It misleads
everyone reading it, and I find that hard to accept.

Patrick Dixon;200163 Wrote: 
> In fact you probably have no need of the audiophile forum at all ...

That might be nice for you, huh?  I'd also be very uncomfortable if I
were in your position.  

ModelCitizen;200177 Wrote: 
> I can't have read this correctly. Are you saying you couldn't hear any
> difference between the analogue outs of the SB3 and those of the
> Transporter?


PhilNYC;200182 Wrote: 
> Anyways, it was a fun afternoon...!

Thanks again, Phil!

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