Mark Lanctot;200604 Wrote: 
> One other thing: in a free market economy, a competitor who comes up
> with a better business model wins.
Since when was the market economy "free"? Laws have been used
throughout history to protect industries from the natural course of
events - agricultural protectionism being the most widespread example.
The DMCA is simply another such law, designed this time to protect the
obsolete business model of the media conglomerates.

What irritates me most about this is that the media industry is
probably the fourth biggest perpetrator of theft in the world (after
governments, large scale religions, and organised crime). And they have
the gall to pretend that imposing draconian restrictions on their
customers is for the benefit of the artists - the very people they are
stealing from through the use of "industry standard contracts". God,
they are such hypocrites.


Performers -> dozens of mixers and effects -> clipped/hypercompressed
mastering -> you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?
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