have a look at this on wiki...


> In the context of digital audio extraction from CDs "jitter" causes
> extracted audio samples to be doubled-up or skipped entirely. The
> problem occurs because the Philips CD specification doesn't require
> block-accurate addressing. As a result, the extraction process will
> restart a few samples early or late, resulting in doubled or omitted
> samples. These glitches often sound like tiny repeating clicks during
> playback. An approach that has produced good results is to do jitter
> correction in software. This involves performing overlapping reads, and
> then sliding the data around to find overlaps at the edges. Most DAE
> programs will perform jitter correction.

So jitter can and is used in the context of digital audio extraction...

Anway, the jitter I am really concerned with is related to the SPDIF
connector. As AndyC says it's due to differences in the clocks on the
external DAC and the SPDIF source. Use of a phased locked look reduces
this... I was interested in to what extent it can eliminate it. From
Andy's post it looks like not entirley which makes we worry about
finding a decent external DAC.

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