Hi guys, I have an audiophile past and I currently use a Meridian CD
transport matched with a Musical Fidelity X-DAC and separate power
supply. Since I bought my Squeezebox 3 I have ripped CDs to my pc using
WMA lossless with error correction enabled. When streaming music I
connect the Squeezebox coaxial connection to the X-DAC. Don't know
about you but I am getting a great sound playing through my Aragon
pre/power amp combination into my TDL Studio 1s. There is a slight loss
of air and sound staging vs the Meridian CD Transport/X-DAC combo but
that is it. When I want 100% audiophile vs 97% I go Meridian/X-DAC. The
rest (most) of the time the convenience of menu driven streaming off the
PC hard drive is unbeatable and the sound is way ahead of what I can
achieve from the Squeezebox's analogue outputs. I am having a great
experience with my Squeezebox/X-DAC combination and see no reason in
the world why a Transporter would make any difference to me at all. If
you can get your hands on a decent well rated DAC with a good power
supply go for it. And the good news is you don’t need to spend $6000….
Highly recommended.

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