Thought I would try a bit harder to identify the difference (if any
audible in my system); all I knew previously was that I was keen to
switch back from bypass to upsampling, but not so keen to go back to
bypass - upsampling seemed easier on the ear and more natural.

I chose a couple of songs with a good mix of low-level detail and
louder passages - Bonnie Rait's 'Thing Called Love' and 'Love Letter'
from Nick of Time (FLAC), and switched back and forth multiple times
listening to different aspects each time.

Very subtle, but definite; on complex sections upsampling mode held the
picture together better, whereas it could get a tiny bit more confused
and difficut to pick out subtleties on bypass. Loud vocal was more
likely to sound very slightly harsh on bypass, less so with upsampling,
which generally made it easier to hear low-level background detail

Most surprising was a more solid punch to both snare and bass, with
more information about the sound of both instruments - I guess this
comes again from better resolution of small details, especially on loud

All this is in broad agreemenet with most theories about why upsampling
can sound better - it seems to be less distortion of the baseband due to
differential non-linearities in the DAC process, due to signal-dependent
ultrasonic dither resulting from the very gentle roll-off filter
allowing signal up to the Nyquist point of the 192KHz signal to enter
the DAC. Some would claim that the necessity of re-clocking close to
the DAC due to 192KHz being asynchronous with the input clock also
helps by reducing jitter.

Anyway it sounds easier on the ear AND more revealing - so it works for
me; these are tiny differences that seem to make a noticeable difference
on enjoyment of the music. Anybody else got experiences on this to


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