Ned Ludd;202954 Wrote: 
> I hate to sound stupid, but I have no choice: How do you connect the
> "ground plane" (I don't know what that is) to the mains ground (I'm
> assuming that is the third prong on the end of the Nait power cord)?
The "ground plane" is where all the screens are connected. The simplest
way to access it is the outer ring of any RCA socket. For example, if
you're not using the COAX digital output on the Squeezebox, connect its
outer ring (NOT the centre pin) to the mains ground.

And the mains ground is indeed the third prong of the mains plug. Just
make sure you know exactly which prong is the ground. The easiest way
to tell is to compare it to a two-pin mains plug: the extra one that
isn't on the two-pin plug is the ground.

Given that you're using a Nait, are you in the UK? If you are, then
what we're talking about is what's called the "earth" here in the UK.
The earth pin is the longest one of the three - the one that is in a
different orientation to the other two and which goes into the top hole
of the mains socket.

So: get a mains plug and connect a wire to its ground/earth pin. Don't
connect anything up to the live and neutral pins. Plug it into a mains
socket (ideally on the same outlet as the Nait), and then touch the
other end of the wire to the outer ring of the Squeezebox's COAX
digital socket. Does the hum go away? If it does, you have the answer:
you have a floating ground.

And finally: please be careful! Make absolutely sure you're connecting
to the ground/earth, and not the live pin! Mains electricity fed to the
wrong place can kill (and even worse, can blow up Squeezeboxes and Naits


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