Skunk;203878 Wrote: 
> Sorry, I meant *if* mp3 is adding an artificial bass boost he could use
> inguz eq to give the FLAC files the same 'sound', but with the penalty
> of having to stream a .wav sized file. 
> When I use my T-amp and Fostex speakers with the Sb3 analog out at full
> volume, 12 o'clock on the T-amp is WAY too loud, so I personally
> wouldn't want them to have a higher voltage.
> I thought the agreement was that the higher the volume on the sb3, the
> better the sound- more or less. Or were you talking volume in general?
> (in which case I still say the louder the better!)

Eh, I am a bit embarrassed but honestly dont have a clue as to what
happened, I withdraw my statement on the volume completely.
I got my HD580 Precision headphones in the mail today, and I plugged
them in my Bryston. I then lined up Eva Cassidy on the SB3, and the cd
player so I could compare, and the sound was very low on the SB3
compared to the cd player.
Just now I was listening again, and now the volume is the same ! I dont
understand because I didnt change a thing, I just slept an hour...., so
sorry again.


Squeezebox 3 > Stereovox XV2 > Bryston B100-DA SST > Martin Logan Aeon I
> Sennheiser HD580 Precision
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