inguz;205126 Wrote: 
> Graphs for low frequency response depend very heavily on the length of
> the impulse response measurement, or the length of the FFT window used
> to analyze it.  The difference in your red and green chart lines is
> probably just that REQW used a shorter measurement window.

You are correct sir! REQW uses a much shorter impulse sweep than Inguz,
but why would that shift the frequency peaks and nulls values compared
to Inguz? In particular look at the huge null at ~60Hz vs. ~80Hz. I
don't understand that part.

inguz;205126 Wrote: 
> Aha! REQW does third-octave smoothing of course. It doesn't import the
> file format I use for impulse responses, though (64-bit-float, stereo
> WAV). So I saved the impulse response as 16-bit WAV first.

My brain must not be working this morning. I know you're trying to show
me something here, but what I think I'm seeing just looks like two
slightly different versions of the REQW sweep.

inguz;205126 Wrote: 
> But we can see measured impulse responses with objectively large
> defects, and yet they "sound good" in some way, and correcting for
> those defects (in this case by flattening the frequency response and
> adjusting the early part of the time/phase response to be closer to
> ideal) makes it "sound worse" in some ways. Weird.

I wonder if this has something to do with the type of speaker I have.
As it seems you looked at the website you can see that mine are not
direct radiators. Nor are they "omnidirectional" like the classic Ohm
Walsh designs; their design is meant to approximate a point source -
albeit in a way that is a bit more complex than the typical omni. I
wonder if, because of this, taking a response measurement across many
points would be more in line with getting a real assessment of the
response characteristics, more so than a direct firing speaker.

I'll give your suggestion a try! It looks like it's going to rain here
today, so I have a ready made excuse to stay in!

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