jlmatrat;207562 Wrote: 
> Wrong way! And common mistake. When you want to keep jitter as low as
> possible, you better to take care of it from the very beginning, at the
> source.
> It's true for S/PDIF, and obvious for I2S, where two of the wires are
> dedicated to clocking (bitclock and wordclock). In all cases, the DAC
> has to be slaved to incoming data flow. 
> Call it as you like, reclock, de-jitter, when performed at the DAC end,
> is no more than a band aid: better to prevent than to care.

This is exactly backwards.  The only place jitter matters (unless it is
so severe it causes bit errors) is at the DAC.  Your goal should be  to
minimize jitter at the DAC as much as possible, and that is
accomplished by putting the crystal at the DAC.

Think about how jitter distorts the analogue out.  We're talking about
digital signals here - the sequence of 1s and 0s is fixed and doesn't
care at all about precisely when the bits arrive.  The only thing that
can affect the analogue out is WHEN they are converted to analogue.

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