Actually, I do feel like I'm ahead of old analog (e.g. tape).  I just
use the ANALOG outputs of my digital Squeezebox.  I tested all the
Squeezebox outputs going into the same high-end digital amp.  I found
the analog outputs to sound better than the digital ones.  I'd like to
see what the analog output of a stock Squeezebox does against the
analog output of your modded-Sony-DAC combination.  It's too bad your
Squeezebox mod was digital only.  To me, digital S/PDIF doesn't sound
right on two-channel signals.

Marley3;206395 Wrote: 
> The digital out volume was not set to fixed and the replay gain was not
> disabled...  I'll change those and try another critical listening
> session.
> My modded Sony has an Audiocom Superclock 4 jitter reduction device
> installed, so that may be making the difference.  The Monarchy Audio
> DIP may even the playing field in that regard...
> I really appreciate everyone's brainstorming.  I can't thank you
> enough.  I never would have come up with these suggestions on my
> own...
> It's funny to me how we all still work so hard to get digital to sound
> as pure, pleasant, and emotionally involving as good old fashioned
> analog.  With all of today's technology, you would think we would be
> way ahead of analog by now...

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