
I'm not familiar with the moonlab, but I recently went down a similar
path as you and wound up adopting a similar buying strategy: outboard
DAC, not insanely priced, hopefully one touted to be a giant killer --
or at least, would give the Lavry and Benchmark a run for the money.  

I wound up with the $300 Musiland MD-10 purchased from Pacific Valve (I
believe they carry LITE DACs as well).  Like you, I was a little
skeptical it would be clearly, demonstrably better than what I had.  In
the end, it was, and I have been very pleased with the purchase and am
running the digital outputs of both my SB and CD player to it.

Anyway, this is a roundabout way of trying to convince you that you
made a good choice and to trust your ears.  You don't have to spend
$1,000+ these days to get a good DAC.

One more thing, if your DAC is anything like mine, it will benefit by
50-100 hours of burn in.

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