patherb2;208164 Wrote: 
> Does anyone know if the AK4936 "Miracle DAC" chip that is used in the
> Transporter is being used in any outboard DACs or kits?  It seems to be
> getting rave reviews and I am in the market for an external DAC for my
> SB3.

I could be mistaken, but the Stello DA220 -- a well reviewed extrenal
DAC, uses this AKM chip, or a very similar one.  Others can confirm. 
You can google it for many fine reviews.  I have not personally heard


SB3->AR Masters Coax -> PS Audio DLIII -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR ->
Sim Audio P5 -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR -> Sim Audio W5 -> Cardas
Golden Reference Hi-Mid,PS Audio Xstream Plus Low-> Magnepan 3.6R
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