brjoon1021 wrote:
> 1. What is the best format for keeping as much or all of the sound that
> is on the CD when burning the CD to the Hard disk ? I have both Linux
> and Win XP on my computer?

FLAC, Free Lossless Audio Codec.

> 2. Where do you guys get good Hi-Fi downloads (as opposed to 128K) ?

Linn and others have some, search the forums archives

> recommendations or thoughts about my choices ? Would you buy the
> Squeezebox over again?

Buy a SB3. Use it, love it. If an SB4 comes out, buy one of them
if you need to, or a Transporter. I've bought three SqueezeBoxen and a 

> 4. I also need to buy a wireless router, my wired router is on the
> blink. Do you have any recommendations or warnings for me about which
> routers to buy or avoid?

Can't help there, but the Linksys L models have Linux and can be hacked.

> 5. I will be using the Squeezebox version 3 (or 4 if out soon) into an
> audible illusions modulus II Preamp with analog inputs. Do you think
> that this will offer pretty good sound (mostly the analog inputs, I
> know the preamp is good...) ?

Sure, it will be fine. And if not, you can get an external DAC. Maybe my 
loved Benchmark DAC-1, which is unused since I got my Transporter.

> 6. What is/are the best bang-for-buck mods for this device ?

I don't believe in mods, but many others to.

> 7. Does the wireless version also allow for hardwire connection to
> router ?

Yes, all known models have had a RJ45 connection for wired connections.
Skipping WiFi is good if you can run the cable.



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