> I see... But is there a list of problem CD's?

If you want the music in question, what's the alternative? In some
regards this is hardly a new problem. Besides CDs, I have many poorly
mastered LP records (though the problems are generally of a different
nature), but the only other option is to not listen to the music. The
choice becomes which is the lesser of two evils. 

Unfortunately the music industry is as susceptible to fads and fashions
as any other aspect of life and "hot" recordings are currently all the
rage. Sadly, a high percentage of the public only listens to music in
their car or from iPods, or just doesn't know what a truly good
recording should sound like. Overall it is only a small portion of
buyers who actually complain about the "loudness wars."

While it can't hurt to voice our displeasure, I really don't hold out
much hope for improvement anytime soon. In fact, some artists who I
thought knew better have recently turned out over-compressed, nasty
recordings. What a pity; I don't think we're even holding ground on
this issue.

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