
I have the baredeen components/mauimods transporter 

When i received it i also had a stock one on demo  used it as transport
only for my tact millennium mk3  wich is basicly a dac with power

Here it goes  my former transport where a lyngdorf cd-1 wich i used to
compare the different transporters  and every time i shifted  to a new
transport i only had that transport connected to the millennium

the stock transporter sounded better the the lyngdorf  it was more
rymetic more musical  and it was clear right away, but i must say that
the lyngdorf had  a better topend where the lyngdorf cd 1 where more
smooth the transporter where more glassy and korny  but over all the
transporter was better.

Then the aberdeen transporter arrived 
The glassyness and glare was completly gone i will considder it night
and day difference infact all parameters off sound where improved and
it was clear as bright dayligt from the first second off playing.

I have developed a hate regarding cables and excotic tweaks because i
have spend fortunes on them  only to find out that my old stock cables
gave me as much musical enjoyment so im not easy fooled.

When i hooked the stock on to the millennium the improvments where even
more manifested   there it was again glassy plastic topend  and overall
korny sound in comparison.

I did also invite some audio buddys over to hear this moddified
transporter against the stock one and  we really did not discuse wheter
it was better or not because the difference was so aparent  what we
instead did where  being amazed by the sound kvality off the moddified

Remember this was only my findings when used as didicated transport.

I did hook it  up the convential amps and it sounds wonderfull and mine
was not moddified in the analog section.

Mine is at aberdeen coponents as this is being writen for further
moddification in the analog path.


truckfighters;212887 Wrote: 
> so all mods are "fake" ?
> believe me - one of my main interests is high-end hifi.
> so I have to say that my current setup is way proved.
> starting from speaker placement down to wiring through fuse
> replacement. everything done + validated.
> so I am just curious if there any mods out there to improve the
> transporter level...
> I seriously should blind-test some high-end cdp with TP I guess to hear
> if I miss anything...
> cheerz

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