I was having a late night listening session (well early this morning
actually) as I often do at weekends and I was having difficulty finding
something I was in the mood for listening too. I stuck the Transporter
on random mix and listened for about an hour, enjoying the odd track
here and there, but nothing was really engaging me. Everything seemed a
little lifeless, flat and pedestrian. I presumed it was my mood (as is
sometimes the case). 

However a little later, when the Transporter moved to the next track,
it stopped playing as if paused (the track came up on the display but
didn't start to play). I had to press 'play' (a couple of times I
think) to start it but when it did, everything was full of life,
vitality and music. I thoroughly enjoyed the next hour as everything
seemed to sound so much better. 

Coincidence, or is there some explanation for what happened?

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