I am a former Resolution Audio owner and dealer, and the Opus 21 is
still one of my favorite CD players; it is one of the most
natural-sounding players I've heard, with very refined high frequency,
smooth midrange, and full-bodied presentation.  In contrast to the
SonicFlare review, my only complaint about it was that I didn't feel it
had the bass speed to really make it sound impactful relative to other
CD players in the price range.

Compared to the Transporter, I will admit to preferring the sound of
the Opus 21 (and at nearly twice the price, you would expect the Opus
21 to sound better).  I thnk the Transporter is likely a bit more
"precise", but does not have the organic sound quality that has made
the Opus 21 famous.  That said, I think the differences between high
end digital sources like the Transporter and the Opus 21 are
incremental, as compared to the dramatic differences you'd find between
different speakers, amps, and preamps.  So for the $1500 price
difference between the Transporter and Opus 21, you could probably find
an external DAC that would close the gap even further, maybe even
surpassing it.


Sonic Spirits Inc.
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