ezkcdude;213940 Wrote: 
> Although you're probably a troll, and/or a friend of omega (first posts
> showing up in these flame wars are almost always a dead giveaway), I
> will give you the benefit of the doubt. What does playing a CD vs. CDR
> on a *CD player* have anything to do with the SqueezeBox? How could you
> possibly compare these two situations? *CD player* != *SqueezeBox*

Excuse me for making my first post on this forum so ugly one. But i was
mentioned from another forum-topic to this one. I'm from the Netherlands
and not a frien of Omega.

I did only post this answer because it did look so familier with the
one i did noticed with cd versus cdr. And i think the common of the cd
vd cdr and the squeesebox is the same spdif-stream that probbably
affects somthing (or something affects the spdif-stream) It was just
the phenomenon that was almost axactly the same: a cdr has a less
beutifull sound, expecially heard in the higher frequencies than a
orginal cd. So does the squeezebox, after skip a song, if i understand
it correctly from Omega.

So youre wrong telling me that i am a troll, but i dont blame you... I
would probbably think the same in this situation...

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