opaqueice;214115 Wrote: 
> You seem to be missing a rather basic point.  2007 science has
> demonstrated that two identical stimuli, reproduced several times, can
> and will produce very different perceptions in the same person.  So
> just the contrary, 2007 science predicts that you WILL hear differences
> even when they're not there - and you do.  I've never understood why
> people have so much trouble with that concept.
> We do know why, at least more or less.  It doesn't have to do with
> cables or amplifiers or digital sources, which are much much much
> closer to perfect than anything else in the audio chain.  It does have
> to do with the fact that it's a recording made with localized mics of a
> non-localized source, played back in stereo in a room very different
> from the recording venue through very imperfect speakers.  All of that
> measurably and verifiably heavily distorts the sound - there's
> absolutely no need to resort to any exotic explanations.

No - precisely the opposite. If you make a recording in a live venue,
then play back that recording:

1: At the same venue
2: Through the same sound system
3: Through the same speakers

There will be a clear difference. Of course there will be. Anyone can
pick that up.

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