egd;218345 Wrote: 
> interesting observation seeing as the flac is decoded to the bit perfect
> original pcm wav and then passed through the same dac as any wav file
> would.  it's like arguing that a document stored in a zip archive and
> then unzipped is not a bit perfect copy of the original.

Not exactly....  The files can be bit perfect but the act of
decompressing on the SB could change the sound.  I do not think it
likely, but it is certainly possible.  As an extreme (and silly)
example, what if when the SB chip natively decoded the FLAC it
indavertently created an audible pink-noise tone on the analog out?  As
a more plausible example, what if it created some EMF that affected the
jitter on the digital path?  Again, I am skeptical, but I must concede
the possibility.

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