ezkcdude;224267 Wrote: 
> Phil, I wasn't aiming my post at you. My point was simply that I would
> prefer to argue about subjects that can be objectively measured, or at
> least, ways to develop or improve objective measurements. Debating
> whether one guy's "sweet high-end" is better than another guys'
> "defined mid-range" (to me, anyway) is pointless. Who gives a flying
> fig? Now, what would be interesting to me is to come up with some
> *objective* measurements that could demonstrate these types of
> differences. I know - it's the holy grail of audiophilia, and to my
> knowledge hasn't been achieved, and maybe never will, simply due to the
> complex neural and behavioral (psychoacoustic) components involved.
> However, it would please me greatly, immensely, if we were somehow
> discussing these technical aspects. I think we'd all learn a bit more -
> if people were willing to *listen* - yes, to the music - but also to
> each other. I also think some of the folks here could probably be
> getting a PhD with all the time spent arguing these matters on forums.
> And yes, I already have a PhD in something entirely different, so I'm
> afraid it's not going to be me that takes up this monumental task. :)

I know! - and I totally agree! My supply of flying figs ran out ages
I wish this forum had a different name...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/vinyl...it
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)
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