The Modwright mod completely rebuilds the output stage, so will
certainly change the sound.  I see no reason why it should not be
possible to improve on the stock unit - IMO a valve output stage makes
good sense.

The problem with mods for me is that lack of ability to test what it
does.  You send your TP off, it comes back in a few weeks - can you
really remember the sound?  Aren't you just so glad to get it back? 
There are very few ways of doing good testing, and very few instances
of people posting such test results for others to see.

But there's no point discussing that again - the religious nature of
mods is not worth going over, let's consider what the OP wants, as far
as possible.

So the Modwright just adds an output stage for $2k.  This seems
expensive to me.  Their mods to CD players often include all sorts of
power supplies, expensive-sounding cables and stuff, as well as this
output stage and come in at the same kinda price.

Compare Patrick Dixon's SB+ (which I own).  This also gives you a new
output stage, but also reboxes the device and gives it new PSUs in a
separate box too - for the same price, which includes the 'donor' SB3. 
I suspect that the price is what it is because people expect to pay that
sort of amount for TP mods.

But I've not heard it...



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES
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