I am likely Dan's first or second customer for the TP mod.  

It arrived there last week and I have my deposit in.  He'll start on it
next week, so when it gets back here and breaks in I'll post my

Realize that I already own his Denon 3910 Platinum modded player
(category killer in universals, especially with 6900's) and his brand
new LS 36.5 tubed preamp.  I am replacing a Bent TAP preamp (eval'd an
ASL Flora, etc. during the process).  You need to know that I've owned
Dan's SL 9.0 SE preamp and his Sony 999ES Platinum mod player in the

My feedback will likely be met with "howls of derisive laughter" as I
can easily be typed a Modwright bigot, but realistically I love his
stuff cuz it's incredibly good.  And I'm not the only one.  Read Wayne
Donnelly's take on the 3910 (Superior Audio - Enjoy The Music) or
Srjan's take on the LS 36.5 (6moons), etc.  Lots of great Modwright
reviews out there, and not because Dan spends thousands with the mags
and e-zines in ads or anything...he doesn't.  These reviews are based
on great word of mouth that forced some mainstream (in our world) looks
at this stuff.

Anyway, I am committed to the Modwright house sound, especially as he
voices the TP mod with the LS 36.5 tubed pre.   It all flows through my
McCormack DNA-500, a nice yin/yang balance.  

Let the flames continue.


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