ted_b wrote:
> Anyway, I am committed to the Modwright house sound, especially as he
> voices the TP mod with the LS 36.5 tubed pre.   It all flows through my
> McCormack DNA-500, a nice yin/yang balance.  
> Let the flames continue.

I would not expect any flames. You are saying you like it, and think its 
worth it. Fine by me. Audiophiles are all about personal choice and taste.

The "negative" comments were skepticism that one could predict in 
general if the ModWright stuff is generally wonderful.

But you're not saying that, you are saying that Dan does good work, and 
that you like it.

I have no problem at all with that.

I would like to know if it sounds better while you are drinking a single 
malt scotch, or a nice deep red wine.


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