Phil Leigh;225070 Wrote: 
> I used to own a CD12. £12,000. I sold it. I have used a pile of Linn
> gear since 1982. I know what it sounds like. They came to my house and
> installed one of the first "Aktiv" systems in the world...when I blew a
> tweeter they came back (from Scotland) and spent most of the evening at
> my house listening to vinyl. It was great fun.
> The SB3+good DAC beats it. To MY ears - I prefer the SB3+DAC.
> I will listen to the Klimax DS. The Klimax amps are simply amazing - at
> an amazing price unfortunately. The Linn Artikulat and Akkurate speaker
> systems are also superb to my ears - but then I do like the "Linn"
> sound.
> However I would add that no mod on the planet is anything even remotely
> close to getting RC sorted out first. I'm amazed that Linn don't do
> something on that front.
> Once you have RC sorted then some mods make sense. That's my position
> and I ain't changing it.

Just about the only universal truth there is to audio is everytime  one
loves  somthing there somone that dont.

I have heard speaker that brougt tears to my eyes where others couldent
stand the sound and vis versa.

I dont give much credit for roomcorrection i have both owned
roomperfect and tact rcs , nothing beats a good amp and source, or a
well made speaker.

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