gdg;227485 Wrote: 
> I forgot that many people here don't actually follow the debate and take
> posts out of context. For anyone who is offended, if you actually had
> followed the full discussion,  you'd know I was responding to the
> statement that anything better than 16/44 is inaudible. 
> When I stumble on an "audiophile" forum where this question is actually
> taken seriously I'm done.
> And to tell me that the same people who are debating this issue
> "probably" have better sound systems and/or ears than I do makes me
> even less apologetic than before. I've blocked this thread and only
> come back when I feel like being entertained by an idiotic  debate.

I've not listened to much SACD but I wasn't that impressed. Maybe I'm
used to hearing good CD players, so an average SACD player doesn't
sound impressive. And I note my friend (the owner of said SACD player)
heard differently. It seemed the differences between the SACD player
and the dedicated CD player were typical of the differences exhibited
by players in general, so I couldn't draw a conclusion about the

A blind comparison of different formats is desirable but difficult.

Perhaps you hear a difference sighted. If you do, perhaps it is due to
psychological factors. Or perhaps the difference is real but your
*preference* for a different player is due to psychological factors,
and might be reversed in a blind test (it's happened to me).

Of course, if you prefer a different player it doesn't mean the format
it plays is audibly better. This is a thorny issue...

CD vs SACD comparison is fraught since even the same player would use
quite different algorithms in the DAC stage, and that multiplies the
variables. (Designers of SACD players don't agonise over CD playback in
comparison to designers of CD players.) I suppose a blind test of 16/44
vs 24/96 is a little fairer if the player is identical and the
manufacturer has no axe to grind e.g. Transporter.

PS: I am not disputing that higher quality formats are, well, higher
quality. This post is about proving that differences are really

PPS: I note that for most music released in the last 20 years, red book
is the only format. If you want to listen to this music (I do) this
debate is irrelevant.


SB3 with Inguz -> Sony DAS-703ES DAC -> Krell KAV-300i -> PMC AB-1
(home-made room treatments and supports)
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