I'm with mortod on focusing on notch filters rather than boost (maybe as
an option?).  Inguz DRC has dramatically improved my system, but
clipping does become a problem.  I am at -20db right now, and still
have significant clipping due to many newer recordings being mastered
too loud.  My amplifier doesn't have much power to spare, and every db
I lose to avoid DRC clipping is one I'd rather not throw away.

Everyone contributing to this thread has a greater command of technical
aspects of DRC than I do (I've probably failing to understand something
as I write this), but it does seem to me as if DRC further dulls the
already flat, compressed sound of newer recordings.  For recordings
that are mastered and compressed properly, Inguz DRC is amazing.  For
those that are not (the most recent U2 recordings come to mind), I
sometimes avoid DRC and power up my CD player.  But perhaps all of this
simply comes back to the "garbage in, garbage out" type argument - if
they would only stop ruining recordings to make them sound good in our

Do my perceptions here make any sense?

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