tonyptony;228920 Wrote: 
> Hmm, okay, this may be a bit complicated, but if you look through this
> thread (which I started, BTW! :-) ) you'll see some of us have posted
> the frequency reponse curves of our own measurements and resulting
> correction curves.
> All of the WAV files created by Inguz and DRC can be viewed in an
> appropriate program. I use Room EQ Wizard (REQW) which is free and
> available from If you look in your \Program
> Files\Inguzaudio\Tools directory (or if not this one, whichever one you
> used to create the filters) you'll find the files that were created. The
> Impulse_ResponseMeasured file is pretty self explanatory, but it is the
> only one that needs to be converted before it can be viewed in REQW.
> That's becuase it's a 32 bit float format, and REQW is limited to 16
> bit files or less. I use Goldwave to save this file off as a 16 bit
> stereo PCM file (under a new name, of course).
> Now, even if you want to ignore this one, the other important files,
> the ones with the TestConvolution in their filenames, are already 16
> bit files and can be opened directly in REQW. These will give you an
> idea of what the associated correction curve will make your system
> sound like. When I asked what filter you are using, that is which one
> did you select from the SB display under EQ > Room Correction? Let's
> say it was "normal". If so then normal_TestConvolution.wav will
> represent what your system will sound like when you're using the
> normal.wav filter.
> The reason why I asked to see the curve for your selected filter is
> that - even though Chinanico and I have some concerns about the
> accuracy of the TestConvolution files - it still may be good enough to
> give us a picture of what might be coming out of your system (look at
> post #36 in this thread). If you're using a filter that looks like it
> produces a dead flat output, or maybe a bit of rolloff at either
> extreme or a suckout in the middle - it may explain why you think some
> songs sound dull. Of course there are other factors that can come into
> the mix, but I find I'm learning a lot by trying to understand what I'm
> seeing and connecting it to what I'm hearing.
> If you want to take the plunge into "curve-trace-itis" say the word and
> I can walk you through using REQW, although there's a ton of info on
> hometheatershack that will do a great job also.
> -edited for spelling corrections

Sorry for the delay.  I got REQW and converted the one file using
Goldwave as suggested.  I would love to post the files to get some
input, but still have no clue how to get from the .wav impulses to a
viewable image as all of you have done.  I'm sure I could figure it out
with some time playing around with REQW, but it looks as if there is lot
to learn.  Is there a quick procedure that will allow a novice like me
to get my impulses into a postable visual format?  I really don't want
anyone to waste their time tutoring me on the ins and outs of REQW, but
at the same time I'm curious to get some feedback from you all.

If the only practical way for me to post is just buckle down and learn
REQW myself say so, and I'll try to find some time.

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