SoftwireEngineer;230562 Wrote: 
> I think it is highly fruitless to talk about 'audibility'. This seems
> like a relative/subjective thing. There are people who cannot tell the
> difference between a boombox sound and separates sound. If I am in the
> academic world, I would just devote my time to show which standard
> recreates an analog waveform accurately (theoretically). If you look at
> it that way, 44.1khz is good enough by Nyquist criterion. but the bit
> depth of 16bit can cause quantization errors. So I would always like to
> go for the wider bits whenever possible.

Indeed.  Nyquist says that any frequency above 2X the sampling
frequency is garbage, and must be thrown out(filtered).    It doesn't
say that sampling frequencies that are higher do not approximate the
analog waveform more precisely!   This is a common misunderstanding.   
Just because 44.1Khz will provide a valid approximate data point from
sampling a 20Khz signal -- it will yield approximately 2 samples here. 
Anything less -- well is not correlated.  Again, 2 samples are just
barely enough where you will not have noise and produces a very crude
curve at that ;)   Not as nice as as say -- 4 at 10Khz, 8 at 5Khz -- or
50 or so at 800Hz -- all from Redbook.    

The bottom line is, higher sampling rates "can" sound better and
"should" be better -- particularly at the higher encoded
frequencies(cymbals etc.)  The fact that they often don't sound any
better can be because of numerous reasons -- many of which have already
been suggested.


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