I work for a Linn dealer and have heard the demo in-store of the Klimax
DS through some very expensive gear, including some non-Linn setups. As
a high end source it is outstanding. They demoed some MP3 files @ 320
and then FLAC @ 16/44.1 then finally FLAC 24/192 all using the same
material for comparison. The differences were very obvious as we
progressed. They also used the UniDisk 2.1 as a CD source of the same
material to prove the superiority of the new delivery method. 
Many of the engineering aspects of this device are very well founded
in the basis of engineering a proper way to have the music delivered to
you from the most reliable and cleanest source currently available.
Linn feels that too much energy and expense is spent in retrieving the
bits from a disc that can be riddled with many errors in manufacturing
and in the delivery method of those bits that can cause the notorious
jitter and timing errors. They wish to rely upon a PC drive to do the
error correction as the bits are pulled from the disc tot he HDD. From
that point they feel they can engineer the final delivery of these
"perfected bits" better than they can a solid aluminum servo ladden,
focus driven transport extraction device that is increasingly becoming
off the shelf CD/DVD Rom drives modified for high end use in $20000 CD
machines. By providing a portal to retreive audio from hard drives in
any resolution currently and soon to be available they feel they have a
opportunity to step ahead of their counterparts Meridian, Mark Levinson,
Classe, Krell, etc. Keep in mind Linn is also a record company and are
currently transferring most if not all of their catalogue to
downloadable files in 24/96 FLAC format for a premium. I think it is a
very smart and forward thinking business move.
I own a SB3 with some very expensive cables and a very expensive
DAC. I am very happy with the results and have sold off my CD transport
in the past several months due to the convienance of the SB3. I have
dragged my NAS and SB3 into the store and played it through the
VTL/Wilson system on demo and have converted many of the stodgy old
salesmen to this new way of thinking about the source. Having the Linn
support this idea will only help the exlusionary audiophile community
embrace what Slim Devices has been pushing for awhile.

Linn will also be introducing 2 additional DS units at lower price
points, the Akurate DS and the Classik DS @ $10k and 3k respectively.

rexflexall's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9552
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=38815

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