SatoriGFX;232204 Wrote: 
> "And if the cable really does sound different it must contain some sort
> of filter or be acting as some sort of filter that is altering the
> signal (not adding anything but removing something).  That's a bad
> thing.  I don't want cables to color my sound I want them to transmit
> the signal unaffected so I can hear just what those who
> engineered/mastered the music heard."
> I have met many an objectivist who believes that good, quality, well
> built cables should all sound the same and anything that doesn't is not
> transmitting the signal unhampered.  So, they will sometimes admit that
> all cables don't sound the same, they just don't accept that the ones
> that do sound different are anything other than glorified tone
> controls/filters that are "less" accuarate and, in fact, subtractive.

I'm talking about power cables.  What signal?  What tone control? 
These are 60Hz sine waves.  

Again, if a power cable made a difference it would lead our imaginary
objectivist to scratch her head in puzzlement and wonder how such a
thing is possible at all, not to conclude that the power cables was
"coloring the sound".

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