inguz;229908 Wrote: 
> No, "sweep with EQ" runs the whole processing pipeline.  I think you may
> be hitting up against the inaccuracy of EQ bands at low frequencies
> (where, essentially, the EQ filters aren't long enough for the slopes
> to reach the EQ strength you want).  I have other people wanting better
> EQ-at-LF control too, so likely this will improve soon.
> Hugh

I see Hugh has now implemented this in v0.9.27, and it looks much
better. In the attached red is original measured, purple is 'Minimum'
measured, and green is with my 17 band low freq equaliser:

<EQ Bands="17">
<Band Freq="17.8">0</Band>
<Band Freq="19.8">-8.3</Band>
<Band Freq="23.9">-2.3</Band>
<Band Freq="26.1">0</Band>
<Band Freq="27.7">0</Band>
<Band Freq="29.3">-6.8</Band>
<Band Freq="33">-14.6</Band>
<Band Freq="43">-17.9</Band>
<Band Freq="49">-10.1</Band>
<Band Freq="55.6">0</Band>
<Band Freq="81.8">0</Band>
<Band Freq="87.5">-3.8</Band>
<Band Freq="100.0">0</Band>
<Band Freq="114.5">-3.2</Band>
<Band Freq="123.0">0</Band>
<Band Freq="129">-9.6</Band>
<Band Freq="138.0">0</Band>

The bump at 43Hz has totally gone, though there still seems to be
something happening at 20Hz, I suspect due to the same issue as before
(either 20Hz is too low to correct, or the band is too narrow).
Remember when looking at the above curves, I am using the RSSPL mic
calibration as target which slopes off steeply below 50Hz (and above

As regards listening, the low freq equaliser certainly cures my boomy
sub, but bizarely improves the whole spectrum/soundstage - it actually
sounds about 2db louder (even mid range vocals), but I can't see how it
could have that effect unless perhaps there is some psycho-acoustic
thing happening. It can't be freeing up load on my main speakers either
as my sub crossover is at 60Hz. Odd. And I don't think you can compare
the relative levels of the graphs as they were recorded at different
volumes. The room correction filter sounds similar with respect to bass
response but seems to have a broader soundstage (I would have expected
vocals to be more focussed).

A couple of wish list items:

1. Can we have a global gain setting in the presets file, rather than
or as well as in the global settings - I have created three presets
(flat, SubCorrection, and RoomCorrection) - I would like to have a gain
of zero for the first two, and -18 for the last. A UI control would be a
nice but not necessary extra.

2. When using the UI to change EQ band settings, it is limited to +/-
12db, and so overides my -17 setting if I try to adjust. Could the
limit be increased to, say, +/-20db?

|Filename: graph_orig_subc2_minm.jpg                                |

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