> ... What has happened in the last few years is that “good 
> enough” audio gear is available at reasonable prices ..

Very true. I just moved to a small apartment temporarily, and no way
could I take my audiophile shrine with me. Way too big, too demanding.

So I bought some AudioEngine 5s based on positive opinions in this very
forum, and I am blown away by how darn satisfying this <$1k setup is,
compared to by ~$20k home "reference system'. It sounds awesome, and
its simplicity is so elegant... 

It is a pretty awesome time to listen to music and be able to really
enjoy it without spending a fortune. When I was a struggling student I
would have given my left nut for a setup like this, but of course, back
then PCs where $10k+...

> ... The “mining process” is actually one of the main A
> Audiophiles sources of delight: the result of that romantic 
> tension towards the unrealized Audio Nirvana dream. 

There are very rational drivers behind that, though. There are very
simple and cost effective measures that provide gains. It does not have
to be the esoteric stuff.

However, the pursuit of diminshing results with unrelenting passion is
at the core of eveery enthusiast hobby if you think about it. 

> Once you buy “it” the post-purchase guilt is likely to sneak 
> in and spoil the fun (definitely true for expensive audio 
> cables).

I have never had that happen to me. I believe good quality cables make
a difference. My cutoff for cables is at a few hundred $, though. For
my main home system. I would not spend more. But even now with my
budget setup, I have every cable replaced, albeit of course not with a
single cable that is over $75, it would not make any sesnse... and this
setup only needs a couple of cables, of course. The SB3 also has a
(moderately priced) linear power supply.

And I do not regret any of the moderate things I go for. Do I always
hear a measurable difference? No. But I like the peace of mind of
knowing the "cut corner" components that vendors package in as a
secondary product are eliminated in my system. It looks better, and
honestly it feels that little bit more musical that makes a difference.
It's easy, and doesn't hurt. 

> Most cars/hifi gear selection choices can be directly linked 
> to those compulsions that we acquire as child and never leave 
> us:  peer pressure, seeking the alpha male status or 
> compensating for some perceived deficiencies… 

Aw come on. *Some* may do it. Some just have a lot of money to spend on
a hobby, no questions asked, bless them. And some allocate some of their
disposable income to pursue whatever results (diminshing as they get
with every $ spent) they like, no harm done. And say nothing to anyone
- I do not know a single audiophile that brags, by the way. The ones I
have come across are quiet about it, just play the music for some
social event, and you nod your head in appreciation, and most people
never notice or know. 

I do believe in moderation and balance. But that is a very relative
metric, and I don't expect everybody to live by it. I know genuine
audiophiles that came to real money - one of them got the usual B&W
Nautilus and spent $100k around it... with questionable results, and he
knows it. Another one kept the system he'd had all the time and
carefully put together, and which is one of the sweetest sounding
systems ever, put together for about $10k over many years.

It's impossible to paint all audiophiles with generic statements. What
I know is that someone that can not tell me much about music they are
playing for me to supposedly appreciate their system are questionable
music lovers - they are the ones you talk about with the insecurities,
and I would not call them audiophiles...

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